Causes Frequent Urination

Frequent urination can be caused by drinking too much or because of certain medical conditions that should not be underestimated. Normally, urinating in a day is 4-8 times or as much as 1-1.8 liters. However, some people can urinate beyond that frequency, even needing to get up at night to urinate. Drinking too much water or drinking close to bedtime can make us urinate frequently at night, and even wake up at night. But if you urinate frequently even though you only drink a little, pay attention to whether there are other symptoms that you might feel.

Beware of Medical Conditions that Cause Frequent Urination

Urination exceeding the normal frequency for a long time can indicate certain medical conditions. Here are some conditions that cause frequent urination, as well as other symptoms that may accompany.
  • Urinary tract infection

  • The feeling of wanting to urinate irresistibly, accompanied by fever, and discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen, can be a sign of urinary tract infection.
  • Overactive bladder

  • A condition in which the bladder muscles contract excessively, causing the desire to pass urine even though the bladder is not yet full of urine.
  • Kidney infection

  • In addition to frequent urination, other symptoms of kidney infection are back pain, groin pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills.
  • Kidney stones

  • This is a mineral stone that forms in the kidneys when urine is concentrated. Other symptoms of kidney stones are urine that comes out little by little with pain, pain in the lower abdomen, blood in the urine or the color of the urine turns dark or cloudy.
  • Pregnancy

  • In early pregnancy, the uterus will grow and compress the bladder, causing frequent urination. Diabetes Frequent urination with large amounts of urine, often a symptom of diabetes. This is because the body tries to clean up the unused glucose in the blood through urine.
  • Prostate Disorders

  • An enlarged prostate can compress the urethra or urinary tract and block urine flow. This causes the bladder wall to become irritated. As a result, the bladder becomes easy to contract even when there is only a small amount of urine, so there is often a feeling of wanting to urinate.
  • Taking diuretic drugs

  • This is a medicine for high blood pressure or fluid retention in the kidneys. Diuretic drugs will remove excess fluid in the body, resulting in the urge to urinate continuously.
  • Stroke or nerve disease

  • Damage to the nerves that regulate bladder function can trigger frequent urination. Diverticulitis or inflammation of the wall of the large intestine The symptoms are pain in the lower left abdomen, frequent urination accompanied by pain when urinating, and bleeding from the rectum.
  • Psychological factors

  • One of them is excessive anxiety that lasts a long time. For example concerns about finances, work, school, or family, but cannot explain the cause specifically (generalized anxiety disorder). In addition to frequent urination, other symptoms include palpitations, sweating, tense muscles, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, trembling, and digestive disorders.
Usually a urine check is needed to determine whether there are abnormal compounds in the urine. In addition, other tests may also be carried out such as imaging tests, neurological tests, and urodynamic tests. Imaging tests like ultrasound aim to display images from inside the body. The neurological test aims to check whether there is a nervous breakdown. Whereas the urodynamic test is useful for checking how well the bladder, sphincter, and urethra are doing.

Handling Conditions Often Urinate

Treatment for frequent urination depends on the cause. If caused by infection, the doctor will give antibiotics. If diabetes is the cause, then the treatment is to control blood sugar. As for the condition of an overactive bladder (overactive bladder) can be helped with the following steps:
  • Train the bladder

  • For about twelve weeks. How to practice it is quite simple, which is controlling the distance when urinating. This can reduce the frequency of urination and train the bladder to store urine for longer.
  • Kegel exercises

  • This exercise can strengthen the muscles around the bladder and urethra, so as to reduce the urge to urinate. Controlling the bladder can be done with exercises that focus on the pelvis for five minutes. Do this exercise at least three times a day.
  • Change your diet

  • Such as avoiding the consumption of liquor, caffeine, soda, tomatoes, chocolate, spicy foods, and artificial sweeteners. In addition, constipation can worsen this situation. Expand to consume foods rich in fiber and meet the needs of water, but you should avoid drinking a lot when you want to sleep at night.
  • Acupuncture

  • This alternative medicine is believed to help overcome the problem of frequent urination by manipulating certain points on the surface of the body. However, there is still not enough medical data on the benefits.
If you suspect that frequent urination is caused by certain medical conditions, you should immediately see a doctor. What's more, when there is blood in the urine or urine is cloudy.


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